Today, I just started the A3 ASL Club.

I think it went really well. The students were engaged with the conversation, and we got to talk about some important things like good ways to communicate with Deaf people, and our experiences with other Deaf people. Some of them had previous experiences with deafness as well. I hope they find community in this club, and learn things they find valuable.

One of the things I showed them how to do was how to introduce themselves in ASL, and fingerspell their own name. It worked out pretty well, and we also talked about name signs, and some of them made up their own.

I’m really glad that these students came. They have a lot to offer to the community, and I’m really glad for the chance to teach them. At the end, one of the new members asked for the sign for teacher, and when I showed her, she signed to me ‘thank you, teacher,’ and that touched me.